One of the questions that many denture wearers ask is, how can I date when I have false teeth? Besides the fact that kissing a new person is awkward as it is, doing so with dentures may be even more intimidating!
Never fear though! If you have properly fitting falsies, then your date will not know that you’re smooching with a smile that is a little bit on the faux side! Not only that, but you’ll feel extra confident when you’re out in the dating pool and can post your best selfie with your amazing smile to boot!
One of the benefits of DIY dentures is that you know your mouth! This is why when it comes to the perfect fit, you will be sure to have all of your ducks (oops…we mean teeth!) in a row! You’ll be sure to appreciate both your looks and your lip-locking with your false teeth from DIY Denture Shop!